CHEYENNE –Wyoming Mining Association Executive Director Jonathan Downing released the following statement in response to President Obama’s moratorium and proposal to raise royalty rates on coal mined from federal land:
“This is yet another salvo in the President’s efforts to kill the coal industry. He and his allies in the extreme environmental movement know full well that this measure will make federal coal uneconomical to mine, thereby locking up America’s most abundant and reliable source of electricity generation,” Downing said.
“Coal remains a main source of baseload power in the United States, power renewables are unable to provide regardless of the billions in federal subsidies currently being funneled their way. This baseload power keeps the lights on, heats our homes and powers our businesses. The Administration’s continued misguided efforts to shut down the coal industry are clearly not in the best interest of consumers, the state of Wyoming or the United States of America,” Downing added.