About the Wyoming Mining Association

The Wyoming Mining Association (WMA) serves as a unified voice, providing value at a reasonable cost to its membership, by communicating, influencing, and promoting issues on behalf of the mining industry.


Travis Deti, Executive Director   [email protected]
Pat Joyce, Assistant Director  [email protected]
Heidi Peterson, Membership & Retention  [email protected]


WMA promotes the mining industry by communicating with elected officials, regulators, educators, and the public in a credible way that encourages trust and confidence and earns respect as a reliable source of information on issues pertinent to the industry. We do this by:

  • publicizing the environmental achievements and responsible processes used by the mining industry;
  • discussing environmental challenges faced by the mining industry;
  • promoting the value of the mining industry to the state’s economy;
  • creating awareness for the importance of mining products provided to the nation;
  • building understanding of the economic value and high quality of life created by mining; and
  • creating awareness of the challenges and issues facing the mining industry.


WMA also influences legislative, regulatory, and education processes in a proactive and credible way so  the interests of the mining industry are considered in important decisions impacting Wyoming. We do this by:

  • maintaining awareness and engagement in the ongoing legislative committee process to ensure  decisions are made in the best interest of the State, its citizens, and the industry;
  • promoting consistent, rational, and prudent rules and regulations that encourage environmentally responsible mining based on sound science; and
  • providing accurate, timely information on mining issues to educational programs.


WMA promotes the mining industry by partnering with regulators, educators, and the public to build collaborative and trusting relationships. We do this by:

  • educating youth about the significance of the mining industry;
  • building a healthy environment that co-exists with a healthy mining industry; and
  • creating economic value and a high quality of life value in an environmentally responsible manner.